Frequently asked questions

Quick answers to questions you may have. Can't find what you're looking for? Check out our full documentation
How can i contact QBC Team ?

You can check out contact us menu.

How to register your account ?

In your application go to your account and fill up all the details and submit.

How to allow quick build con to make and manage phone calls ?

In your device setting go to app settings and allow the permission for phone calls.

How to allow quick build con to access photos, media and files on your device ?

In your device setting go to app settings and allow the permission for photos, media and files.

How to allow quick build con to take pictures and record videos ?

In your device setting go to app settings and allow the permission for picture and recored video.

How to allow quick build con to access this device's location ?

In your device setting go to app settings and allow the permission for device location.

How to register your mobile number and profile picture ?

In your application go to account and add your mobile number and set profile picture because they are compulsory and then submit.

Issue in your installed application ?

Update latest version of application from play store OR Uninstall application and download latest version then install.

How many photos can be upload in 1 post for property, material and service ?

You can upload maximum 6 photos per post

In your application any error or issue occur ?

You can send screenshot on 6357112002 WhatsApp number.